Thursday, June 27, 2013


A new season/chapter/journey is about to approach for many of us. Yet many of us are afraid of this change, afraid to move forward, afraid of the unknown and unexpected.
However, I am here to say, “Embrace it!” This is an opportunity to start anew and make new mistakes, new goals, reach new levels physically, spiritually and mentally. Get rid of the cesspool in your life and get some fresh streaming water in there. It is time for a change.
Are you ready?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Butterfly Treasures

Hello Lovelies!

Today's post is about my current love for cute and "almost all things" butterfly.
Below are some "treasures" with butterfly embellishments that I thought were adorable: Picture frame, hair comb, gorgeous sandals, ring, print cardigan and shirt, two adorable little clutches, a phone case, flowy dress, several gorgeous scarfs (you should know that i am obessed with these scarfs!) and an adorable butterfly clock.

Butterfly Treasures
PS: Here are two photos of me wearing a butterfly scarf two different ways. The Scarf gave both dresses just the right touch of pop.
1.With a Yellow Sundress 2. With an all black High-Low dress

As always be blessed and inspired!
Xxx's ~Ruthy

Oasis grey evening dress
$100 -

Club l
$43 -

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Neutral Pop

Hi Lovelies,
Today's post is simple. It is all about neutrals with a pop of color. Below are two different ways to style this simple but extremely versatile color.
Be Blessed and Inspired,

Neutral Pop

Silk short dress
$1,180 -

Manolo blahnik

Chinese Laundry high-heel shoes
$100 -

Michael kors watch
$360 -

Christian dior

Henri bendel

Forever 21

Monday, June 10, 2013


9 Hide Your face from my sins,

And blot out all my iniquities.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,

And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Psalm 51:9-11

Today is one of those days where my soul yearns for the living and true God. My heart hurts. I feel like I failed him. The reason being is that lately my posture of heart has not been a humble one. It has been at times lofty, unkind and unloving. I have not been true to who God has called me to be – I have not been walking in his footsteps. Yesterday that manifested it’s self publicly at my church. I yelled at an elder (leader) for something that she did not do. I was being an accuser and as those of us that read the bible know, the “accuser” is the devil. For a while now I had been harboring feelings of resentment towards this elder and did not even realize it. I would try to avoid her and when I did have to speak to her it was quick and rash. My attitude towards her was ungodly.

After I become conscious of what I did and where I did it (during a lunch break on a Sunday afternoon full of congregants) I immediately felt terrible. It was like what did I just do? What is wrong with me? I not only shamed my name and God as being a reputable godly woman but also shamed my pastors (who are also my parents) and the church. I understood that I needed to reevaluate my heart and actions fast.

As I began to ponder on my actions, I comprehended that sometimes we harbor resentment, bitterness and un-forgiveness unconsciously in our hearts and it surfaces when you least expect it. Therefore, today’s post is about the posture and attitudes of our hearts. Let us take time to let God examine our hearts and the direction in which it is heading. You may be amazed at what you discover.

And so I pray…

Today I am asking you Lord Father God to forgive me for me sins, wipe them clean. Please create in me a clean and pure heart because only you know the depths of me. Remove from me all ungodly attitudes and postures of heart. Heal and remove all hurt, pain, bitterness, anger, resentment from me. Help me to be humble, forgiving and loving like you. To walk in your footsteps and be light wherever I go. Do not let me shame your name or be a vessel for the enemy but continue to search my heart O’ Lord and expose/make me aware of things that are blocking me from having a personal relationship with you. Be a guide to my life, I am yours, I need you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Be Blessed and Inspired,
~Ruthy <3

Friday, June 7, 2013

Elephant Serenity

Hi Lovelies,

Today's look is surrounding my current obsession with elephants. I took this gorgeous tank with gold & gem embellishments and paired it with a bright maxi skirt. The skirt gives the shirt just the right touch of magnificence. I choose a white & gold strap heel to keep it simple but noticeable. The accessories are a pull of colors from the elephant and skirt. The purse, sunglasses and turquoise ring pull from the slight mint color on the trunk and the gold watch and ring pull from the skirt, neckline and even the shoes. For some reason I am just natural inclined to choose mint & turquoise colors they just make me feel so at peace. Hence, today's blog is entitled: Elephant Serenity.

Be blessed and inspired, XO


Elephant Serenity

White blouse

Ted baker

Giuseppe zanotti

Gucci tote

Juicy couture case

Infinity ring
$610 -

Ray-Ban ray ban sunglasses
$180 -

Monday, June 3, 2013

Charm & Beauty
Proverbs 31:30
"30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates."
Today is all about reflecting on ourselves as God’s unique feminine creatures. Earlier this week I meditated on the above verse and it spoke to me. I found it to be very interesting that the bible says charm is deceitful.  Have you ever meet anyone so charming you could not tell if their actions were genuine or malicious? Well this is probably because “charming” people usually have an ulterior motive behind their actions and it is not sincere. They are seeking a benefit for selfish purposes. However, this is not how we are meant to behave, we were made to be transparent, to be deep spiritual beings and not just look at outer superficial, exterior surfaces. At the end of the day outer beauty is passing. Many of you may say well there is always plastic surgery or little tweaks that I can make on my body and face to keep a younger appearance. While this may be true, as you get older no matter how many facelifts, or Botox injections you may have had you will never really be able to capture that natural beautiful glow of your early youth. It is just the law of nature. Nonetheless, this does not mean that we should abandon ourselves. We should focus on not only beautifying our exterior but also our interior because that can remain beautiful as long as we live, if we allow it. A woman who is beautiful on the inside fears the Lord and is one that is kind, gentle, caring, loving etc... These characteristics make her a truly beautiful woman and it is so clearly evident in her, it shines through! One would not be able to help but to fall in love with her because her inner beauty shines so bright. Fascinatingly, the following verse says let her own works praise her in the gates.  This means she has sown a fruit (it could be love, kindness, joy or anything that is good and pure) and it is rewarding. This “fruit” gives back and lifts her up while others praise her because of the work of this fruit. This to me is true feminine beauty at it’s best, carrying out God’s purpose in our lives. To not only thinking of ourselves but to think (and act) on others, it shows our fear and love for the lord.
 You can't hide an ugly soul no matter how pretty you are. The bible says: “As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart” Proverbs 27:19. Who you truly are will reflect in your face.
Do you want to a “passing beauty” or even "She's pretty but UGLY on the inside"  or the one who regardless of age - True beauty shines forth like a bright light that grows with each passing day?